Category Archives: podcast

LEARNING MOMENTS Podcast: Entrepreneurship & Innovation – Challenge Chart

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As you can tell by this month’s Inspiring Innovations, LEARNING MOMENTS topic… Entrepreneurship and Innovation continue to dominate my current professional responsibilities.

So to support this special momentum…. I have taken a “visual tool“ from my past and prioritized its design and purpose for a quality LEARNING MOMENTS podcast. “What Do I Want… Zone of Professional Discomfort…. and Impactors” all represent timeless considerations and are contained in my own unique Challenge Chart for discussion when pursuing Entrepreneurship and Innovation possibilities!

As a special warning, the podcast goes around 10 minutes so be ready for an extended discussion-ist message.

Enjoy the listen.

LEARNING MOMENTS Podcast: Meetin Preparation

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Sometimes advancing professional development pushes you to go back to the basics. This month’s podcast Meeting Preparation… is all about that journey.

Whether it is appropriately AGENDA SHARING   in our transparent times… or strategically building Meeting Preparation OWNERSHIP… improving in these areas is just progress necessary.

Finally, although TIME MANAGEMENT is necessary, and even critical in our over-informational world… prioritizing it in every Meeting Preparation moment is solid common sense.

I hope you enjoy the listen and share this message to colleagues.

LEARNING MOMENTS Podcast: Global Citizenship

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The Cambridge English Dictionary defines Global Citizenship as follows:

“The idea that you should show loyalty and support for the world as a whole as much as for the particular country in which you live.”

Whether it’s the steady advances of technological information-sharing… or the increasing number of global, world-wide impacting issues; the need for everyone to realize their Global Citizenship status is a growing priority.

In the podcast you will hear me state that Global Citizenship is NOT part of my standard LEARNING MOMENTS discussion-ist topic areas. However when you listen closely to my rationalization for this podcast message… I hope you too understand it’s all citizens value.

Enjoy the listen.

LEARNING MOMENTS Podcast: “As Much Advice As Possible”

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This month’s Inspiring Innovations LEARNING MOMENTS podcast topic: As Much Advice As Possible”… seems to carry a common sense, natural decision-making recommendation action. However, if people take a quick assessment of the steps they take to make a decision on a major issue, their resulting process may not be as “natural” as we would think.

President John F. Kennedy has helped me form this month’s podcast message. Based on the information contained in a book entitled “Undelivered”, I was able to glean a great assembly of rationales for obtaining As Much Advice As Possible” to make every decision one makes as good as it can be!

Enjoy the listen. 


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This December 2023 Podcast completes our 7th season of Inspiring Innovations LEARNING MOMENTS. Each month I have had the GREAT opportunity to share my thoughts, ideas, and recommendations on positively and progressively living through a variety of workplace and just regular life situations.

Well this last podcast contains a VERY Special MOMENTS TOP 10 list of reflections!  It introduces a new “influencer” to my LEARNING MOMENTS that I know you will appreciate.

Enjoy the listen!

LEARNING MOMENTS Podcast: Creating Your BRAND!

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What do Tom Brady… RAM Pick-ups… and Gerber Baby Foods have in common? A GREAT BRAND! 

This month’s Inspiring Innovations LEARNING MOMENTS podcast follows the tradition of coming to you from my favorite deer hunting blind. But don’t think for a minute that the Creating Your Brand podcast message doesn’t contain some great professional development thoughts and recommendations (despite opening day distractions)! 

Seriously, this Creating Your Brand podcast highlights the importance of establishing a meaningful, strong professional status inside and outside your workplace. Consider the questions raised in the discussion and take on this very special challenge. 

Enjoy the listen. 


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Appropriate NETWORKING in and around your employment sector has always been an important action for hiring and promotion purposes. Who you meet, where you go, and what type of relationship-building you accomplish has traditionally been the standards related to effective NETWORKING.

Well this month’s Inspiring Innovations LEARNING MOMENTS podcast offers a different view of what type of progressive NETWORKING might be more impactful today. Hear what a special guest contributes to this topic… it’s a fun, youthful perspective!

Enjoy the listen.

LEARNING MOMENTS Podcast: Making Use of the “Not Rights”

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Learning valuable lessons from the “Not Right” decisions or actions taken by co-workers, supervisors, and/or leaders… is often not placed in a professional development context… but it should be!

This month’s Inspiring Innovations LEARNING MOMENTS podcast Making Use of the “Not Rights” is all about sifting through example-based learning that comes from assessing “Not Right” experiences. The practice is not always easy or comfortable… but necessary and proper.

Enjoy the listen.

LEARNING MOMENTS Podcast: “Take Aways” Test

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Have you ever considered the short and long-term value of “Take Aways” from training sessions, personnel meetings, performance reviews and/or person-to-person agency status discussions? Could you pass a “Take Aways” Test on any of these professional activities and accurately recall the most important LEARNING MOMENTS resulting from each?
This month we are going to use our Inspiring Innovations LEARNING MOMENTS podcast discussion time to focus on the critical need to record professional impact points as a regular growth activity. Strategically using a “Take Aways” Test and prioritizing process following any form of business operational activity is the foundation of this August 2023 message.
Enjoy the listen. 

LEARNING MOMENTS: Robotics Minimums & Dissenters

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Talking about the negatives of developing and sustaining a progressive workplace culture… sometimes just needs to be discussed. So this month’s Inspiring Innovations LEARNING MOMENTS podcast is all about those who do the Robotics Minimum and those who standardly are Dissenters… no matter the future initiative?!

Recognition of the Robotics Minimums & Dissenters existence and impacts is a solid first step in successfully dealing with them. However creating a strategic plan of reactions to these personnel challenges is the key.

Enjoy the listen.